Every Little Step She Takes

Every Little Step She Takes

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Autor: Carolyn Steele Agosta
Categoría: Fiction
Editor: Carolyn Steele Agosta
Fecha de publicación: 2010-09
Número de páginas: 396

Scandals can be fun to read about in the newspaper, but not if they've happened to YOU. How does a person recover from publicly making such a mess of their life? How do they get past a colossal mistake? And how does their family survive and rebuild? When 18-year-old Amanda Long, ballet student, meets Richard Gessler, the college's benefactor and a high-profile businessman, he offers to take her under his wing and become her mentor. However, in a slow step-by-step seduction, Amanda is drawn further and further into a dangerous dance. The dark romance between the two takes an ugly turn, resulting in attempted murder and suicide. The spotlight's glare drives Amanda further away from her home and family until she has to find a way to start a new life for herself. Just when it looks as though Amanda and her family might reconcile, Richard steps in again and she must figure out how to truly stand on her own two feet. EVERY LITTLE STEP SHE TAKES is a novel about the dangers of the wrong kind of love and the strength of true parent-child relationships.
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